
Showing posts from August, 2018

The Top 1% Have a Secret

What could very well be the single most important factor that the wealthiest 1% in America share is NOT being born with a silver spoon in their mouths. No guessing necessary, you’ll find that the primary differentiator is FINANCIAL EDUCATION. Say whut?   Well, here’s is what one writer said that pretty well sums it up, what brought this topic to mind in the first place: “I graduated from high school  not  having been taught the following: How to balance a checkbook How to prepare taxes What “investing” actually means How to set up a brokerage/retirement/checking account How to apply for a loan How to calculate ROI Pretty much everything else related to money” The root of the problem is that we do not mandate the education of money business throughout our children’s schooling. They are supposed to compete in what is now a global economy to earn money and build a portfolio for the duration of their lives with zero formal preparation. The wealthiest tyc